AGRICULTURAL ECONOMICS AND RURAL DEVELOPMENT (AERD) is the journal of the Institute of Agricultural Economics of the Romanian Academy, Bucharest.

The journal publishes articles on results of theoretical, methodological and applied research in agricultural, food, environmental and rural development fields, as well as book reviews in related subjects. It is addressed to the academic and university sphere, and to practitioners interested in contemporary rural issues, processes and policies.  

The journal first appeared in the year 2004. In 2004 – 2007 the journal was published in printed form only, on a quarterly basis, at “Terra Nostra” publishing house from Iaşi, in Romanian and English. Since 2008, it has two issues per year, in English only, and is published by the Publishing House of the Romanian Academy, Bucharest. All issues are available both in printed format and on-line.

The journal complies with the international editorial conventions. All articles are going through double-blind peer review process.

AERD is a open access journal freely available on internet.